Author Archives: Martin

2018 Team Challenge Tournament – Results

Another year of tournaments over.  And what a way to finish off the year.  It’s been a few years since our last team challenge tournament.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made the day such a success. 

Of course, thank you to competitors, parents and supports.  It was only a small tournament, but the spirit of competition, friendship and fun was definitely there in a big way.

Once again it was great to see a few new competitors stepping up and competing for the first time.

Rhiannon’s first karate tournament 😉

As always good to see some quality kumite action.  Here’s aSensei Keanu & Senpai Jack in action in the men’s kumite division.

And the winning team…. Dragon Squad.

Dragon Squad – 2018 Team Challenge Winners 
(Unfortunately missing a few team members from this photo)

Team Challenge Tournament – Entries Now Open

Entries for the final Sunshine Coast tournament for 2018 are now open.  This tournament will be a team challenge tournament.

Date:  Sunday, 4th November 2018
Venue:  Kuluin State School
Entries close:  Saturday, 20th October 2018

  • Join a team from your dojo, maximum 15 people per team.
  • Every event you enter earns you points for your team. 
  • Choose your team wisely, so that you are on the winning team?

2018 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate State Titles Results

Congratulations to everyone who participated in last weekend’s QLD Chito-Ryu State Titles. This was the biggest tournament we have ever hosted on the Sunshine Coast and it was great to see such a strong standard across all divisions.

It was also great to see so many first time competitors and lots of support from volunteers. It takes a lot of work from many volunteers to run events like this and we’re very grateful that so many people stepped up to make it possible for everyone.

Tournament results are now available for download (PDF).

A special mention to the tournament champions, both from the Sunshine Coast dojo.
Jr champion – Bailey Keefe
Sr champion – Lachlan Davies

And also congratulations to the winners of the advanced team kata division from the Sunshine Coast, once again winning this perpetual trophy. Klaudia Caston, Keanu Caston & Sam Hunt.

Unfortunately, though, the Gold Coast dojo had a better team this year in the team kumite event, although it did literally go down to the very last point of the last match.

I’d also like say a huge thank you to Jane Graham who has put up lots of great photos from the tournament. A great historical record. Here is the links to the albums (there might still be more coming, I’m not sure).

Advanced Kata (Individual)
Advanced Team Kata
Kumite Tag & 4-5 Yrs Mixed Kumite
Boy’s Kumite
Girl’s Kumite
Men’s U/70kg Kumite
Ladies Kumite
Men’s O/70kg Kumite

For those who had a great time at this tournament, entry forms are now available for two more tournaments next month.

2018 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate-Do State Titles – Entries Now Open

Entries are now open for the 2018 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate-Do State Titles.

The event will be held on the Sunshine Coast, at Kuluin State School.  Sunday, 12th August 2018.

Entries Close:  Saturday, 28th July 2018.

Download your entry form: entry form – QLD state titles 2018-08 (SC) [PDF].

This event is open all students of Chito-Ryu Karate-Do. There will be divisions and events for all ages and levels.

If you’ve never competed before, we recommend the best place to start is with the individual and team kata events. This year we’ll be running a special team kata event where beginners can team up with more experienced members.


Team Kata – Teams of 3 people. In this tournament, there will be 3 divisions.

  • Beginner Team Kata (Little Champions & White-Orange Belt)
  • Intermediate Team Kata (Green-Purple Belt)
  • Advanced Team Kata (Brown-Black Belt)

Beginner division, teams may have 1 member of any rank.  Intermediate and advanced divisions will be determined by the rank of the most senior member.  Competitors in the intermediate and advanced division may also enter the beginner division.

Individual Kata – Perform on your own against people of a similar age and level.

Individual Kumite Tag – This is a fun non-contact event for little champions and beginner children (11 yrs and under, orange belt and under).

Individual Kumite – This is a sparring event, with controlled contact and protective equipment. This is open to all ages and levels, but recommended for students who have had some kumite experience in class.

Adult Team Kumite – This event is made up of teams of 5 fighters:  3 men & 2 ladies. Each dojo will have the opportunity to enter at least 1 team and is sure to be a feature event of the day.

Are you going to enter the tournament?  Talk to your instructor and get your entry in today.

Reminder:  entries close,  Saturday, 28th July 2018.


Tournament Results – Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Tournament – March 2018

Congratulations to everyone who competed at yesterday’s Sunshine Coast Tournament (Sunday, 18th March 2018).  Although competitor numbers were a bit down the standard of competition was very high and there has also been big improvements in the standard of refereeing, especially in the junior referee.  The ongoing improvements are a reflection of the hard work that is going on in the respective QLD Chito-Ryu dojos: Sunshine Coast Karate & Gold Coast Karate and Kobudo Centre.

Here are the results:

Tournament results – Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Tournament – Sunday, 18th March 2018 (PDF)

A special mention to our tournament champions, who were the top performers in individual kata and individual kumite.

  • Junior Tournament Champion – Patrick Edwards (Sunshine Coast)
  • Senior Tournament Champion – Samantha Lenton (Gold Coast)

As always, tournaments are not possible without the efforts of a lot of volunteers.  Thank you to referees, table officials, event marshalls, canteen & BBQ helpers, and everyone who helped with the setup and pack up.

Of course, also thank you to the parents of our junior competitors for your continued support.

The next tournament will be:  Sun 20th May (Sydney).

The next QLD tournament will be: Sun 24th June (Gold Coast).

Here are a few photos we’ve found.  If anyone has any more photos or videos, please let us know and we’ll add them below.w

Sunshine Coast Tournament – 18 March 2018 – Entries Open

Entries are now open for the first tournament of the year for the QLD Chito-Ryu tournament circuit for 2018.  All Chito-Ryu students from around Australia are welcome to attend.

When:  Sunday, 18th March 2018
Registration:  From 9:00am
Competition Starts: 9:30am
Tournament Venue:  Kuluin State School, Tallowwood Dr, Kuluin
Entries Close:  Saturday, 3rd March 2018

Entry form is out now:  Sunshine Coast Tournament entry form (Sun, 18 March 2018).

Sunshine Coast Tournament Results (11 June)

Congratulations to everyone who competed yesterday (11 June) at our Sunshine Coast Tournament.  It was wonderful to see representatives from Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Sydney & Blue Mountains attending the tournament.

With the Chito-Ryu world championships, also known as the Soke Cup just 2 months away now, this tournament was the final opportunity for many to compete before they go to Japan.  As a result there was a very high percentage of Australian team members competing.  But even with so many seasoned competitors entered, it didn’t stop first time competitors from jumping in which is always great to see.

As always a big thank you to all of our volunteers:  referees, officials, event marshal, first aid, canteen/BBQ, and everyone else.  Without your help, this event would not have been possible.  Thank you.

A special thank you in particular to Jeanette Marshall who stepped in at the last minute to cover first aid after our local first aid officer called in sick on Saturday.  Jeanette, was just planning to bring her daughter to compete from Sydney, but her assistance filling this vital role at the last minute was greatly appreciated.  Thankfully she had a very quite day in that role.

Apart from the high standard of competition across all divisions, a highlight of the day was the presentation of Australian team uniform to those members who are attending the Soke Cup in Japan this August.  I have to say, we’re going to have a very well dressed team in Japan, thank you to Sensei Sandra for organising the uniforms.

And of course the practice of the Australian chant “Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi” lead by Senpai Anthony Horgan.

And finally, to result…

Sunshine Coast Tournament (11 June 2017) – Full Result Listing (PDF 37KB)

A special mention to tournament champions, the top performers in individual kata and individual kumite.

  • Junior champion – Bailey Keefe (SC)
  • Senior champion – Anthony Horgan (GC)

And, a few photos…

Andrea Marshall & Max Condon – Tasseikan, Sydney Dojo.


Etsuko Ishida (Lithgow Dojo) competing in Masters, Advanced Kata
Thank you Jane Graham for this photo


Kazumi Tominaga (Gold Coast Dojo) competing in Masters, Advanced Kata
Thank you Jane Graham for this photo


Rosemarie Caston (Sunshine Coast Dojo) competing in Masters, Advanced Kata
Thank you Jane Graham for this photo

Brendan Young (Gold Coast Dojo) competing in Masters, Advanced Kata
Thank you Jane Graham for this photo

Kata demonstration by Shihan Martin Phillips – Sanshiru

Junior Individual Kata, 4-7 years – Featuring Claire Krausz
This was Claire’s first tournament and she walked away with first place in individual kata.

Sunshine Coast Tournament Results (2 April 2017)

Congratulation to everyone who competed at yesterday’s Sunshine Coast Tournament (Sunday 2nd April).  Although it was a relatively small tournament, there was a clear improvement in the standard of competitors in all divisions, plus the standard of refereeing.

As always a big thank you to those people volunteered in various roles throughout the day:  table officials, referees, canteen/BBQ, event marshal, first aid, set up & pack up.  Without the help all these volunteers it would not be possible to run these events.

This tournament we tried double elimination draws for the first time.  Which meant that in order to be knocked out of the competition you would have to lose at 2 matches. The goal of this was to give competitors more matches under tournament conditions, especially those who are currently preparing for the Soke Cup in Japan this August.  This competition format served it’s goal and really put competitors to the test having to stay focussed both physically and mentally even longer.  Next tournament we will probably moved back to the standard single elimination draw, although a little more discussion is required before we come to a decision.

Also, it was great to see a few competitors from Sydney’s Tasseikan dojo.  Steve, Ray & Adriano it was a pleasure to have you join us for the tournament and also at training at Sunshine Coast Karate on Saturday.

Now onto the results.

Next QLD Tournament – Gold Coast Tournament – Sunday, 7th May.  Entry forms available from the dojo.

Next Sunshine Coast Tournament – Sunday, 11th June.

And finally, a few photos from the tournament….

Sunshine Coast Tournament (2 April 2017) – Entries Now Open

Entries are now open for the first QLD Chito-Ryu tournament of the year.  The tournament will be held at the Millwell Road Community Centre in Maroochydore, Sunday, 2nd April 2017.  Entries close:  Friday 24th March.  Please be sure to get your entry in to your dojo instructor along with payment by this date.

Download your entry form now – Sunshine Coast Tournament (2 April 2017) – entry form (PDF).