Category Archives: Social Events

2016 Easter Picnic & Training Day

Our annual Easter picnic and family training day is soon approaching.

All members, families and guests are welcome to attend.  Training starts at 9am at Cotton Tree Park, followed for Easter fun & games in the park.  We’ve scheduled it in for the weekend before Easter, as a lot of families tend to go away for the long weekend, so there shouldn’t be any excuses.

We’ll see you in the park!  Unless it’s raining of course, then we’ll see you at the dojo.

And did we mention there’s a FREE sausage sizzle?

Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet on the dojo noticeboard, to help assist with catering.


Christmas Family Day, AGM & Call For Volunteers

Christmas is fast approaching and it’s time to celebrate what a great year we have had with all of our Karate friends and family. Once again your association will be holding our Family Fun Day in Cotton Tree Park. In association with the day, the association will also be holding it’s AGM, and all members and family are invited to attend.

There will be water training, games to play, annual award presentations, lunch and a visit from Santa. If you will be attending, please add your name to the list on the dojo noticeboard, as the club will be supplying a sausage sizzle for lunch, please RSVP by Mon 3rd Dec.

Where: Cotton Tree Park
Sunday 9th December 2012
Mon 3rd Dec (Add your name to the list on the dojo noticeboard)

  • 9am Training
  • 11am Games and AGM
  • 12pm Lunch
  • 1pm Annual Awards

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the ICKFA (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc will be held at the Christmas Family day. If you are interested in nominating for a position on the committee you can nominate in writing beforehand or just show up on the day. Descriptions of the duties of the management committee can be found in the Dojo.

For full details download the notice to members about the Christmas Family Day, AGM & committee job descriptions.

Easter Family Picnic & Training Day

Thank you everyone for making our annual Easter family picnic & training day a great day out at Cotton Tree park.  Fortunately weather held off just long enough for some karate training, some fun & games organised by some of the older kids, a free sausage sizzle put on by the club for members and guests plus the drawing of the Easter raffle!

Congratulations to the winners of the Easter raffle!  We hope you enjoyed the chocolate

1st prize – Blumfield Family
2nd prize – Jessica Strazzari
3rd prize – Merv Norton

Thank you to our committee and other volunteers for your efforts to make it a great day.  Here are a few photos and a short video to enjoy from the day.  More photos on the Sunshine Coast Karate facebook page.

Family Social Event: Trivia Night

Late last year “the Emmas”, Emma Woodhouse & Emma Moehead approached the committee with a great idea of running a trivia night with a movie theme.  That’s right it’s an excuse for big kids to play dress ups.  So we thought it would be only fitting if they organised the event.  After answering various questions and developing a 6 page event management action plan (not bad for a pair of teenage girls in holiday time) the committee has approved the event, so here it is…

Everyone is welcome!!  Members, family and guests.

When:  Saturday 22nd January 2011
Where:  Bli Bli Public Hall, Willis Rd BLI BLI
Open:  6:00am   Start:  6:30pm     Finish:  10:00pm

BYO:  Food & Drink
Entry:  Gold Coin Donation


For more information about the Trivia Night, Downlaod this information flyer.

It’s coming up quite fast because we wanted to squeeze it in before the end of the school holidays.  The goal of this event is purely intended as a social event, not a fund raiser.  But there will be a gold coin entry fee, just to help cover the costs.  Register now on the dojo noticeboard, or drop by the association’s facebook page and leave a message with your team name and team members.

We look forward to seeing you there!!