Todays class’s were not super physical demanding. There was a lot of short burst activities which got the heart rate up but also a lot of time to reflect on what we were trying to succeed.
I’ve been set the task to reflect on why I continue to train karate after 10 years and who inspires me. I believe these two things come together. In the past I have struggled to keep training as I thought I had hit a wall and could not progress anymore. After soke cup 2017, I came home and had a break until the new year started and I hit off training with a bang! When I was 10 years old my long term dream was to start up my own dojo, go to a soke cup and to get my black belt. So far I have achieved going to 2 soke cups and am working furiously towards my black belt.
I remember writing my grading theory when I was at the lower ranks and one of the questions was “How many times do you attempt something until you give up?” I always wrote down that I never give up, I may have a break at times but I always finish what I started. Since I was 13 years old I have obviously grown and I have developed a greater understanding of that answer, It still has the same meaning but it is more of a mental challenge, It isn’t about just doing it, it is about doing it to the best of my ability.
There are many many inspiring people at the dojo, a few of them have gone off on another path in their journey and some have continued to train and grow with me. Earlier in my karate studies I really idolised students such as Anthony, Tia and Duncan. All of these people helped me during and through the preparation for soke cup 2013. After we all got back to Australia, life took its toll and they moved on, it doesn’t feel like 6 years ago! As for now it isn’t just senior students I look up to, but also the younger upcoming athletes. Black belts like Bailey, Klaudia and Sam really lift the spirit in the dojo and I am aspiring to follow in their footsteps. My sensei’s are also extremely talented and humble people, when you first begin training your long term goal is to be like them, but as you grow more mature you realise everybody’s journey is different. As for the juniors, William, Emmett and my little sister Rhiannon all show me that karate isn’t about the colour of the belt around your waist, but it is about how much effort and attention you give. The named people aren’t the only ones that are amazing but they are who have stood out to me recently.
A bit of a lengthy blog tonight but it is worth it!
The theme of tonight’s classes that stood out to me the most was spirit. A lot of bunkai (partner application) was performed but instead of just doing the movements, we had to try and scare our partner. We got to rate our partners ‘scariness’ our of 10. Somehow I managed to get 10 every time. I know it’s my kiai because it has gotten so much stronger recently. I got told that my facial expressions don’t show any emotion except fierceness and focus, in any other context than karate that wouldn’t be taken as a compliment but it made me feel good.

This focus carried onto the next class where it expanded into different bunkai’s. Even in the adult class we weren’t told of this but I still tried my hardest to be scary. Not just with a partner but in my individual kata aswell. Although it was short burst It was exhausting. Doing one speed kata followed by a normal paced kata got my mind ticking.
Now to continue the spirit throughout all of my training and grow with others!