The ICKFA (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc, grew out of the unincorporated Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu™ Karate Association, a non-profit organisation established in 2001 with the primary objective of supporting the development of Chito-Ryu™ Karate throughout the Sunshine Coast region of South East Queensland, Australia.
Our association is made up of the Chito-Ryu™ Karate-ka from member dojos on the Sunshine Coast and run by an annually elected management committee and other volunteers.
Mission Statement
The ICKFA (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc supports the growth and expansion of a unique martial art, while endeavouring to create friendships within local and global communities. Our desire and enthusiasm to help all members achieve their goals, ensures that all individuals are catered to effectively and further experience an enhanced quality of life.
Member Dojos
Member dojos are run by internationally qualified instructors (with a minimum rank of Shodan & Jun-shidoin) in accordance with the rules of the International Chito-Ryu™ Karate Federation of Australia.
Sunshine Coast Karate
(Maroochydore, Full-time Dojo) – Established 2000.
- Martin Phillips (5th Dan, Renshi, Kobujutsu 4th Dan)
- Sandra Phillips (5th Dan, Renshi, Kobujutsu 3rd Dan)
- Bailey Keefe (3rd Dan, Shidoin, Kobujutsu 2nd Dan)
- Sam Phillips (2nd Dan, Jun-Shidoin, Kobujutsu 2nd Dan)
Coastal Karate Club
(Currimundi, Community Dojo) – Established 2024.
- Bailey Keefe (3rd Dan, Shidoin, Kobujutsu 2nd Dan)